Choosing Colored Contacts

Your best friend convinced you to get color contacts and become a blue-eyed seductress. You went to the web to educate yourself and got more confused than ever. There are so many kinds, colors and options. To start your education, you need to know few basics. First, all colored contact lenses come as tints, blends or theatricals. What does it mean?
Tinted Lenses
Choosing tinted lenses is all about color. Depending on the natural eye color, you can choose pure color tint, or just an enhancement.

Pure color tints dramatically change the color of eyes, from green to brown, from brown to blue etc. They are particularly suitable for people with dark eyes, who would like to have light-colored eyes. Color enhancers do not change the color of the iris, but enhance the natural color or change its shade. So, if your eyes are baby blue, you can get an enhancer eye lens to make them blue-green, emerald or azure. Particularly strong tinted lenses capable of dramatic color change are called opaque. They are the only option for people with dark eyes.
Color Blend Lenses
In choosing color contacts, color blend lenses are important for those people who prefer the color to stay as natural as possible. Blends are mixes of colors that are found naturally in the eye – specks of green in hazel eyes, or golden spots in green eyes. The options are endless and it be quite fun to decide the right color mix and still have your new color lenses look very natural.
Theatrical Lenses

Theatrical lenses are one of the possible choices when choosing color contacts, but it is not the choice for everyday use. Theatrical lenses are meant to provide the special effect, for example red eyes or spinning eyes. The vampire look is quite popular, and so is the monster look or the eyes with spiders or worms floating in them. Theatrical lenses have been created for use in the movie industry and are frequently used for theatrical productions. They are the choice for masque parties or Halloween, and they can be quite fun, but keep in mind that the theatrical lenses can obstruct the vision and should not be worn too long.

Finding the Best Look
Choosing color contacts is all about the right look. Most people are comfortable with staying with what they already have and making it stand out a bit. So, they will enhance their blue eyes with lenses with darker tint, or people with dark eyes will choose brown or chestnut opaque color lenses. On the other hand, there is different kind of people, those that want dramatic change and go for the opposite from what they have. People with dark eyes wish to become blue-eyed and people with green eyes opt for hazel or chocolate color lenses. For them, it is all about big changes, trying something new and exciting. After lifetime of looking the one way, they want to try the new look. Before spending $30 or $40 on such a dramatic change that might not turn out so well, you might want to try one of the websites which offer ‘electronic trial’ – you can upload your photo and play with different colored lenses to your heart’s content.