Color Contact Lenses Astigmatism

If you are reading this article then it is probably because you have the astigmatism vision problem and you are probably wondering which color lenses are adapted for you. In fact it is quite easy as the lenses which correct astigmatism have their own name which is toric color contact lenses.

You may have noticed that there are often different sorts of toric color contacts such as soft toric lenses, but do not worry, if the lense has toric in its name, then it is specialy made for people with astigmatism. In fact the only brand and lense which is for astigmatism and which does not have toric in its name is the Acuvue Advance, which is in fact a toric lens but with another brand custom name.

In this article i wanted to point out something which is specific to toric lenses. Due to the need of your eyes when you have astigmatism, the lenses must not be able to rotate around. The way toric contact lenses are made helps them not to rotate and therefore they do not fall or pop out.

All in all, Iwould recommend using soft toric lenses, as these are the ones which are the most comfortable for your eyes as they are soft. The Acuvue Advance range is good, and many say that they are better than Freshlook's toric lenses. So maybe you should go for them this time!